
Dog Walking Service

What self-respecting dog would ever say no to the chance of an extra walk? Certainly, none that I know!  Walking (also known as 'Play Time!') not only provides much-needed exercise and mental stimulation, it also offers an excellent for dogs to socialise and play with new four-legged friends.

Sarah's Scallywags offers a range of Dog Walking Services tailored to suit your individual needs.  All walks include a 'Collection and Drop Off' service that is FREE OF CHARGE. This is carried out in a specially modified, air-conditioned dog van - only the very best transport for your pampered pooches!


  • Private Dog Walks are available for 30 minutes, 45 minutes or 60-minute sessions.
  • Additional dogs from the same household are charged at a discounted rate.

BOOK ONLINE: Appointments 


  • Group walks are available for 30 minutes, 45 minutes or 60-minute sessions. 
  • A group walk will consist of no more than 5 dogs at one time. 
  • Additional dogs from the same household are charged at a discounted rate.
  • Group Walks sessions are available to book at 11am or 1pm each day.

BOOK ONLINE: Classes/Event 

Have any questions?

If you have any questions or special requirements regarding the Dog Walking Services available, please do get in touch as I'm happy to work around yours (or your dogs) needs.